Yep, that’s right; Jason put together an exhibit as part of his proposal! It was so thoughtful and very detailed. We arranged to have dinner and spend the night at the historic Occidental in Buffalo, Wyoming.
http://www.occidentalwyoming.com/historic_occidental_hotel.htmOne of my favorite places in the world. It was complete sensory overload for me. We walked into the lobby and the overhead lights were out. The room was illuminated by a few antique table lamps and candles. (Dense me, I had no clue. I thought the owners decorated like that all the time!) We signed in at the front desk and got big hugs from the owner, Dawn. As we chatted, she offered some historic pieces to the Wyoming Territorial Prison and I was thrilled! An old iron bed, sinks, period furnishings, etc. (Yes, I get excited about weird things and no, I still didn’t have a clue that there was an even BIGGER surprise in store). Jason suggested we take some time to look around the lobby (which also serves as a museum). Instead I announced I had to go to the bathroom and headed upstairs. Very patiently, Jason waited for me and suggested again we spend some time in the lobby. After Oohing and Auhing at the antiques in our suite and throughout the hallway upstairs, Jason led me downstairs back to the lobby. Much to his disappointment, I overlooked his “surprise” yet a second time and got my nose stuck in a coffee table book of historic photographs. (My back was turned to Jason so I probably didn’t see his frustration!) After asking me repeatedly to “please come and look at this photograph” he finally had to tear me away from the coffee table book, leading me by my wrist to the fireplace. (Still didn’t hit me). It was only then that I noticed the photograph on the mantle was of me! I instantly thought, “That’s creepy! Why is my picture on the wall of the Occidental???” Just as I was turning to ask Jason, it started to dawn on me… then I saw him on one knee. I cried tears of joy so hard that all I heard was, “Will you?” After hugs, kisses, and the ring, I turned with Jason at my side to read through the exhibit mounted on the mantle. It included my photograph, a picture of us in period dress, and two text panels which read:

“The Occidental Proposal: A long history together was started on November 4, 2005, when Teresa “Trey” Beyer was asked by Jason Sherwood for her hand in marriage. The proposal took place in this location by the glow of fireplace and candlelight.
Throughout history, many young couples have passed through the Occidental; however, none of the young women were so perfect in every respect: as caring as an angel, as beautiful as the sunset over Cloud Peak, and as sharp as the tip of a Sioux arrow.”

“The Ring: Crafted by master jeweler Jim Rasmussen of Alexander’s Fine Jewelry, this one-of-a-kind engagement ring was assembled specially to signify the endless love shared with Ms. Beyer. Between its distinctive appearance and the precious metal and gemstones that went into its construction, this ring is designed to maintain its significance forever.”
But my very favorite detail: a “Notice of Temporary Removal of Artifact from Exhibit” sign that Jason typed up and fashioned where the ring would have been on display. It read, “Accession No. 05-79-003, Date removed: 11/4/2005. Item description: Engagement ring; antiqued platinum band set with 14 small white diamonds and one round-cut, 1.07 ct, blue-treated diamond. Reason item removed from exhibit: At request of owner/to be presented to his one true love. Date to be returned: Not to be returned.”
Jason put a lot of work into this proposal and it means the world to me! I laugh that he knows me so well and all these details relate to some story or conversation we shared about museums.
(And, I have to say, the ring just blew me away!!!)
Thanks to everyone for all the love and support we’ve received since the proposal. I hope you will pray for the success/joy of our marriage and share in my desire that God will always be our foundation.

For those of you getting this news first time via the blog, I apologize. It has been so hectic since Jason proposed! Our phone bill will be sky high this month for sure! But that is OK. If you haven’t heard from us yet, don’t be shy about giving a call. We’d love to hear from you.
The newly engaged Treysons