Friday I changed my name. I am now officially Teresa Lynn Sherwood, despite my best intentions to incorporate my maiden name, or change it completely! I also spent the day returning ties to various stories throughout the mall. Jason had a hard time deciding, ok, we both did, which tie he should wear for the wedding. So we ended up with a lot of options that needed to be returned! I also spent a boatload of Target gift cards (thanks everyone) on stuff for the kitchen and bathroom. My trunk was full!!!

Sat. Jason helped teach a boater safety class and then we spent the rest of the day patrolling. We had two very exciting encounters. One with a deer, the other, a drunk. (I’ll let Jason fill you in on the drunken boater, who is in jail now). There is a very small island in the middle of the lake where this deer goes to have her babies. While we were out, we spotted the deer swimming about 150 yards out from the island. (Left of the boat)
Then we noticed why. A family had parked their boat on the island and their four dogs had scared the deer away. They had a talking to while the deer made it all the way on shore (opposite of the island by about 300 yards) where there were plenty of campers to greet her. We are hoping, after the weekend, things will calm down and she’ll swim back out.

This picture was taken when Jason was assisting in the arrest of the drunken boater. It just goes to show; we are all apart of a bigger whole. Moments of peace, joy, chaos, fear, etc can happen all at once, in one scene, and we may only notice a fraction of what is taking place. Do you think those geese even notice the rainbow behind them or care that it is there? It made me wonder if God created all this beauty just for us. (For us to enjoy since I doubt the geese would stop and say, “Gee, a rainbow, isn’t that swell?”) My comment for the day: Let’s do our best to take care of the things God has entrusted us with.