Monday, July 31, 2006

We Got a Horse…

... not really, but Jason did buy a saddle. Here is our most recent purchase, along with “Sandy”, my consolation prize!

Jason has so many walk in hunting areas throughout his district we decided it would be good to prepare for the possibility of him patrolling on horseback. There are a few wardens throughout the state with “extras” for him to borrow for the time being!

We had a wonderful weekend. Traveled from Laramie to Casper, to Gillette, to Wheatland to Sybille Canyon. It was so good to see family and friends and catch up with everyone.

Gillette: Energy Capital of the World

Museum Curator = $30K a year
Coal Truck Operator = $60 an hour!

Jason and Sandy in front of a "little" drag line bucket

In the meantime, we are preparing for company (can’t wait to see you Marlise) and settling in. (Boxes, boxes everywhere!) Sooner or later we'll post the rest of the honeymoon pictures and some before and after of the house.

Now that we’ve got Internet, you should be hearing from us more often. Hope everyone is well.


The Treysons