Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Weekend(s) Recap

Elk Mountain at dusk

A few weekends ago, I’ve lost track now, Jason and I spent two days in Elk Mountain fishing and helping the family gather firewood. It was quite an adventure. As always, there is never a dull moment when the Hoffman-Sherwood clan gets together! Here are some pictures: Bill with Elk Mt. in background
Bill Sherwood, helping me fish.

Jason fishing at sunset.

Next day, Trey stream fishing.

Taking a break from cutting (from R to L) Trey, Grandma Nila Hoffman, Bill and Dee Sherwood, Jason & Grandpa Rich Hoffman

Loading the truck, Dee flexes her muscles with a log toss.We had a huge load of firewood to bring out of the forest. On the way back, pieces kept falling out of the truck. Tired of trying to re-stack them, Dee decided one very stubborn piece would ride up front with her.

This past weekend Jason and I attempted a garage sale. We spent all weekend going through duplicate items, cleaning and pricing. We were very organized and even put out muffins and juice. Needless to say, we got rained, and hailed, out! There were also 76 other garage sales listed in the paper that day. So despite Jason’s cool signs, which he got complements on, everyone had the same idea: wait till the weekend before college starts. Turns out, college kids don’t know there way around town, but they do know how to get to Walmart! We only saw four students the entire weekend. So, if you’re local, we’ve got a lot of great stuff left. Call or stop in any time. If you buy something, I’ll throw in a print.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Date with Mr. Sherwood

Two in fact. Last weekend I went with Jason’s dad, Bill Sherwood, to Old Carbon. The town was founded in 1868 and continued until 1902/3 when the mines that supported it closed. Along with their personal possessions, most residents left for the nearby town of Hanna so they could continue working in the mines. Now, by personal possessions I mean clothes, kitchen utensils, and homes! Yep, the story goes residents “rolled” homes and businesses to Hanna with the use of round polls and teams. Today, all that is left is a few stone structures and an amazingly well preserved cemetery.

Sunday, “Date Night” Jason picked me up after work for a surprise trip to the mountains. We went “predator” fishing in a stream. I was amazed to watch Jason sneak along the “trails” and down to the water to catch the fish unaware. He is really resourceful. Kinda like an outdoor MacGyver! We caught 3 brook trout and had them for super the next night. My shoes came home really muddy but I was proud that I didn’t get the line tangled up (to bad).

Our friends Erin and Alex fishing in California:

This weekend I’m reviewing a proof of my thesis for publication in the Oral History Review, painting, unpacking (still), and hopefully doing something fun to tell you about next week!

Thanks for checking in,
Trey of the “Treysons”