My Grandparents (Chuck and June Beyer) celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this week. They met in Minnesota, you could say they were high school sweethearts, and married while he was in the Navy. Eloped, actually! They spent most of their lives in MN, raising three boys, before “retiring” to California. The last few years they have spent in Georgia where they live close to my parents (Terry and Linda). (One day I’ll get that oral history transcribed so my descriptions will be more vivid!)

Christmas, 2004
Jason and I are keeping very busy, too busy if you ask me. I just got back from the American Association of State and Local History conference in Phoenix. The weather was beautiful! I got to catch up with some old friends and network with new ones. I attended many helpful sessions and hope to put what I learned into practice at the prison/historic site.
Its hunting season so Jason is out and about. He was up at 4:45 this morning and I don’t expect to see him till seven or after. This will probably continue until mid Dec.
It snowed today … all day off and on even though most of it didn’t stick! I talked to my brother today. He and his wife, Kat, live in Texas where it is in the high 90s! I’m staying inside, cleaning house to keep warm. The laundry is calling…