They're here and ready to be blogged! Pictures from Christmas!

We did open the gifts we got for each other. My big gift from Jason was a wine bar.

We got so many wonderful gifts and thoughtful cards from family and friends. It is just to much to list!
And... we painted our bedroom. I guess you could call that a gift! We were in the mood and it was nice to have each others help. Here are some pictures. The room isn't decorated per say, its like a blank slate waiting for pictures. Jason says all the green reminds him of the Emerald City!

Christmas day we spent painting and playing with our new toys. I got Jason a gun for Christmas, he was VERY surprised. (Correction: A gun IS NOT a toy!)
In spite of the blowing snow, we just had to drive outside of town to try it out! Regardless of the cold weather, we had a really good time and I actually managed to hit the target a few times (and get some pictures). Jason says he is signing me up for his Hunter Safetly class this spring. He also left the instruction manual for the gun on my desk. I think he is hinting at something!

We hope everyone had a very happy holiday season. We missed seeing friends and family but you were in our thoughts and prayers.
The Treysons