Terry wins a night on the town in Corpus Christie, Texas. (Pictures to follow.)
Our runner up was Alana and Alex with “What? Me and the guys used to do this all the time back in New York!” In a New York accent, of course! They received, “Why Cats Paint” a quirky book about the artistic talents of our feline friends.
Since Rocky wasn’t mentioned in this wonderful book, he has requested a spot on this site to talk about his favorite pastime, “Where Cats Sleep”.

In the bed, cause its warm and fuzzy.
On the pillow. When Trey finally gets out of bed, this spot is nice and warm.
In the green bathtub, cause I can.
On the linens in the blue bathroom, again, because I can.
Under the desk. The hidden vent makes it oh so warm.
In the dresser drawers. After the laundry is put away, this is the ideal spot!
On top of the beautiful quilt Nikki and Nathan got Trey and Jason for their wedding. (I know they are going to hang it soon because they always pick me up when I try to sleep here and Trey says to Jason, "we've got to get this hung".)
On the floor, belly up!
Waking up. (A little scary).
Thanks to my owner Trey for posting these pictures.