Jan. 18th through the 23rd Jason and I took a trip to Texas to visit my brother, Rahn and his wife Kat. My parents also flew in from Georgia.
The last posting we announced the caption context winner. Here is Terry out-on-the town in Texas. We were able to treat him and the entire family to Texas Roadhouse thanks to our generous sponsors, Bill and Dee Sherwood.
Terry on the Riverwalk in San Antonio "sniffing" for another caption contest. Sorry Dad, this one is too easy!
Since Kat’s birthday is in Dec., my dad’s in Jan. and mine in February, there was a bit of confusion when the waiter at Texas Roadhouse came by to sing happy birthday, asking which one of us was celebrating. We all pointed to another person, making it seem we had lied about a birthday. The waiter probably thought we were scamming him for a free dessert. In the end, I was the one who “hopped in the saddle” and blushed while the staff sang “Happy Birthday”. Alas, we were still cheated out of the free dessert!

Most of our time in Texas was spent eating great food and catching up. Since it was cold and rainy, we didn’t make it to the beach, but Rahn and Kat graciously toured us around Corpus Christi and we saw most of the sites through back seat windows with the comfort of a heated environment.
On the sunny day (we only had one), we ventured to San Antonio where we visited the Alamo and the Riverwalk. There was so much to see, Jason and I would love to go back.

Can you find Rahn in front of the Alamo? Hint: He's on his cell phone. In case there was any confusion, I'm the historian, he's the business man.
The next day we visited the U.S.S. Lexington, an aircraft carrier that became a museum in the early 1990s, and the Texas State Aquarium.

The aquarium was my favorite because we got front row seats to watch the under water version of the dolphin show. Plus, Kat pulled some strings and got us in free. Rahn and Kat are the most well connected people I know!

Rahn and Kat playing with the river otter
A bonus: I got to see Marlise, a good friend I met here in Wyoming who has since gotten married and moved to Texas. Sat. night we enjoyed birthday cake (for my dad) and game night with Marlise as an honorary family member. It was so good to catch up.
Bailey and Lola were most entertaining. Even when the TV was on, we were typically watching them play!
Spoiled puppies!
Since our return to Wyoming, time has flown by. Catching up at work, broomball games, trying to stay warm, traveling for business meetings, ignoring a dirty house, etc. I’m sorry it took us so long to post.
Thanks everyone for the wonderful trip. We hope to see you all again soon.
The Treysons