29-hours of FUN!!! We had our once a year BCWOF this past weekend. Attendance was high, with about 1,000 visitors through the door and 1,000 volunteer hours logged. Even Jason chipped in. I worked through my usually days off because there was so much going on. We opened the Warden's House for the first time since restoration began, hosted a Army Band, watched a funny play about early Laramie, played baseball 1870s style, heard living history presentations from some of Wyoming's most colorful characters, enjoyed a tractor show, tours of the prison, knitting and spinning, old fashioned hats, a blue grass and country western concert, cookout by the Albany County Cowbelles, celebrated a birthday and more... I'm exhausted!
Intern Tiffany with cowboy performer, Rattle Snake Jake
Historic clothing curator, Connie Lindmier, dressing me from the "inside out" like a Victorian lady.