Nearing desperation, the we decided to risk the wind and cold to find a tree on our own. Teresa, now being an experienced tree-hunter, quickly found a nice stand with some likely candidates. We were surprised no one had taken them home before us!
Unfortunately, we soon realized the tree was a little too large for our home. (Luckily, that observation came about before I got too much sawing done.)
Perserverance paid off, though, and we did find a very lovely tree to grace our house this Christmas season. Most surprisingly, we even ran into a nice man with a red apron and a chain saw who wanted to help us prepare it for the tree stand--an opportunity not often seen in the wilds of Wyoming!
Anyway, the tree is now nestled into the corner of the living room, adorned with the ornaments of the past few years' travels--and a few dozen S'mores ornaments (the ones appropriate for this holiday season and not in use decorating the mantle, the kitchen, the bathrooms, the. . . .).
Continuing with the "green" theme this Christmas season, and in no way related to the hectic schedules we have created for ourselves, we have decided to save paper and not send individual Christmas cards this year. We will still support our friends in the logging industry, though, and will continue to wrap Christmas gifts. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if the paper is recycled from a slightly used magazine. . . .
Check back before the New Year for the "end-of-the-year" review!
(No "wild" trees were harmed in this blog posting!)