Right before Jason left for Montana, we had an adventure date! Jason planned the entire day! We got up bright and early and traveled from Laramie to Centennial for breakfast at the historic Mountain View Lodge. We had a yummy meal on the porch overlooking the mountains. Then we took the scenic drive through the Snowy Range and over to Saratoga where we stopped at the Ranger’s Station and did some Christmas shopping! They had a great array of Wyoming products. After getting our fire wood permit (winter is right around the corner?) we headed out of town on a dirt road into the Sierra Madres. After about a 20 – 30 minute drive we found ourselves at Jack’s Creek. We were looking for the cabin of a former Nazi poacher from WWII. Ok, I realize that doesn’t sound romantic but if you are up for it, read the story here and come back. Sad, huh? The Game Warden’s Association is looking into putting up a marker to commemorate the event.
We hiked for about 3.5 miles looking for the location but we either missed it (wrong trail) or it is so overgrown, we walked right past it. Regardless, it was a BEAUTIFUL hike. The wildflowers were blooming and there was a soft breeze in the air. State flower: Indian PaintbrushAfter the hike we squeezed in a little fishing. I didn’t catch anything… take that back, I got one tree and two twigs! Good thing I wore my new water proof rain boots! I had to wade into the stream just to get my line untangled. At the end of the day the dogs were tuckered out and D-U-S-T-Y! We walked the 3.5 but they ran the entire way, then some. Here Tilley is taking a break. She usually isn’t affectionate so I was surprised when she came and sat beside me. Jason said I was providing the only shade on the trail thus she was mooching! At least I got paid for it: As we were heading out of the forest, Jason noticed we had a flat tire! Not the highlight of the day but I got to see my handy husband in action. He was quick and we were back on the road in no time. It was a memorable day and I’m so thankful we had that time to spend before he left. I miss him! – T
A few weeks ago Jason rescued a moose from a middle school in Cheyenne. We all remember how scary middle school was! Thankfully he had some help and was able to borrow a trailer to transport the drugged moose outside of town. Unfortunately, before Jason was able to get into proper moose habitat, the "I'm to big for this horse trailer" moose broke free. Perhaps he’ll join the circus? Regardless of his lack of education, we wish him the best in all his future endeavours.P.S. Jason's version of the story is WAY better than mine!