Just a quick note to say that I grant I was working on all last year got funded by IMLS! Here is the press release:
Buffalo Bill Memorial Association - Cody, WY Award Amount: $39,943
Contact: Ms. Beverly Perkins Conservator(307)578-4029; beverlyp@bbhc.org
Project Title: "Connecting to Collections Statewide Planning Grant"The Buffalo Bill Historical Center and five partners will identify and address the most pressing preservation needs for Wyoming's cultural institutions. This process will include identifying the state's collecting institutions and assessing their stewardship concerns; holding regional conferences for networking, collections care training, and disaster response; developing and maintaining a statewide database of all collecting institutions; and organizing workshops that address Heritage Health Index concerns. The partners are Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums, Wyoming State Library, Sheridan County Historical Society Museum, Western Wyoming Community College, and Nicolaysen Art Museum.
I'm the workshop chair for Colorado Wyoming Association of Museums so that is how I got involved.
In other news, Leadership Wyoming is going well! I'll have pictures to post soon of our last session in Cheyenne. I got to ride on a black hawk helicopter, tour the National Guard, train like a solider, have lunch with a Federal Judge, meet with the director of Wyoming's Dept. of Corrections, and through silence and solitude, listen to my voice within.
This weekend I'm taking a class on preserving 2D artwork. I'm going to take a painting from the prison's collection and see if I can't make it look and feel a little better!
Next week our new kitchen cabinets arrive and we'll start demo. sometime after March 8th. I'm trying to figure out what I can make in bulk and freeze for easy access while the kitchen is torn apart.
I'll do my best to take before, after and during photos and post them here so check back soon for pictures! - Trey
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Its been awhile, but. . .
We've been travelling some more. We made our "Christmas" trip to Georgia to visit Trey's side of the family and some friends we haven't seen in quite a while.

We started with a trip to the "mountains" of north Georgia and the home of our friends, Nikki & Nathan. The mountains were a bit shorter than what we're used to, but very pretty nonetheless. We suggested a little geocaching to get some exercise and explore some more country. To Nikki's dismay, we may have signed up another 'cacher in Nathan. Hopefully the search for a GPS doesn't interfere too much with his work and school! Jason & Nathan try to get into the first geocache at Ellijay, GA. Aside from the graffiti, the view was great.
Nikki and Nathan were troopers and hiked more than half a mile with us to find this one near Cherry Log. It made us late for lunch at the apple house, but we worked up an appetite for the homestyle southern cooking (and sweet tea!).
Lets just say the scenery was the 'cache at this location. Between hurrying because of the chilly weather (yep, it followed us--they closed school the next day when they called for snow) and the trees (ALL the trees!) messing with the GPS, we didn't find this one. Very cool creek, though.

After our too-quick stay in Ellijay, we hooked up with Trey's parents closer to Atlanta. After a "family day" with Grandpa and Grandma (and a visit to Lenny's sub-shop!), we took a road trip with Trey's parents. This time we went south of Atlanta to the Griffin area.

We used the gift certificate my parents got us for a bed and breakfast there (yeah, for our anniversary almost a year ago) and Terry and Linda were good enough to chauffer and join us for the adventure.

Besides the 150+ year-old plantation houses and history of the area (of course) Trey was quite excited to find a Dwarf House--one of the original "Chick-Fillet" restaurants. I was quite excited to feel so tall (for once) at their main entrance.

We knocked off another geocache in a confederate cemetery before leaving Griffin. This one was marking the lone "yankee" buried there. I found the interpretive signs quite interesting--Seems as though folks in the South are big on the details of their valliant fight with the North, but the signs don't say much about how the Civil War turned out.
After a "quick" stop at an outlet mall for the gals to do a little shopping, we headed back to start preparing for Trey's big birthday party.

Okay, so it wasn't all work. Terry got his Harley out and I scored the bike for a quick ride in between our draining a tank of helium and most of guests arriving. Most surprisingly, I didn't notice Terry breathing the gas or drinking anything before he offered me the keys!
Between the owner of the mexican restaurant donning a set of Groucho Marx glasses (complete with giant eyebrows and matching nose) and singing to her, all the visitors, and the trip, Trey had to have had a happy birthday. I was too busy listening to all the stories and eating to notice for sure, though!

Of course it all went too fast. Then, we had to rush from the airport to our house, change clothes and hit the ice for our last regular-season broomball game. Despite the jet lag (and all the sweet tea), our team held the veteran team to a 0-0 tie. On to the tournament. . . . and still trying to catch up at work, get the final details in order for the kitchen remodel, travel for Leadership Wyoming, teach a Hunter Education class, and . . . . .
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