Friends Bill and Kelly help race to get the drywall up before the inspector comes. (Nothing provides incentive to work over the weekend like scheduling a Monday inspection!)

Jason mudding the drywall. Lesson #1: Finishing drywall is a vile, misleadingly-time-consuming job worth every penny a contractor would charge.

Finally, taping, mudding, and texturing done--Trey gets to paint!

Painting your hair: optional. (or done unwittingly as you paint the ceiling from the almost-too-tall step on the ladder)

Dad shows up to help. Dad brings coffee. Coffee distracts other help. Jason works on leveling cabinet by himself.

The oven and microwave will live here. Someday. (Did I mention I've gone back to my real job?) The hole was 7/8 of an inch too narrow for it--and its still about 6" too short right now.

Proof. Jabbering on the phone while I should be installing the oven. Or is it the countertop guy telling me to uninstall the oven cabinet so he can get the counter to fit. Since it was oh, so much fun the first time. . .

At least he did good work on the island. Looking at it and the tile almost makes me forget having to reinstall the biggest cabinet.

Trey must be getting antsy. The first piece of counter goes in and "accent pieces" come out of hiding. Okay, I'm antsy too. Hopefully there's a final inspection (and party) next month. . .