Some good news first, Jason got notice this morning of a raise!!! I’m so proud of him. Game and Fish took a long hard look at all their employee’s salaries and brought everyone up to “market value”.
Now I’ll have to work extra hard to keep up with him!
“What will we do with all this extra money,” you ask? We both agree, save for our groove retirement! (Anyone know of a good investment banker in Laramie?)
On the not so cool front, Jason and I were in an accident Saturday evening. Our truck might be totaled and even though the driver that hit us got cited by the police officer on the scene, her insurance has yet to claim fault. (Surprise, surprise!)
We are waiting for adjusters to take a look at our 2007 Ford F-150 and make a decision: fix or total. In the mean time, Jason and I have both been to the chiropractor for some heat therapy and stretching. I’ve got some pretty dark bruises from the seat belt but I’m not complaining, it did its job!
Passanger side of truck (these pictures were taken at the tow yard)
Driver's side - Jason was driving but has less bruising than I do! (Thank goodness)
Driver's side - Jason was driving but has less bruising than I do! (Thank goodness)
Here you can see the black bummer jammed under the truck and how the impact shreaded the front left tire.
In the mean time we are sharing my little Honda Accord when Jason isn’t using his Game & Fish truck for work. So far that seems to be working but… looking out the window today and watching the snow come down heavy makes me miss the four-wheel drive on the truck!!!
In other good news, I will be starting a new job with Laramie Main Street on March 15. I will be the non-profit’s Executive Director and will be in charge of organizing meetings and events, fundraising, supervising and recruiting volunteers, applying design guidelines to the historic structures in downtown, filling empty store fronts, economic development… and the list goes on and on and on. This isn’t a typically 9 to 5 by any means. There will be early board meetings, lunch board meetings, late night board meetings, etc. Best of all, I get paid to go to the Farmers Market this summer, every Friday afternoon. Main Street has a booth so be sure to stop by and say “hello”.
Check out the March newsletter for Laramie Main Street.
I’ll be able to provide more information about my job after I start. I get two weeks to shadow the current Ex. Director before she moves to CO. Then I’ll be attending training in Cheyenne before they ship me out to OK City for two weeks the end of April/first part of May for an intense training conference. I’m looking forward to all of it!
Looking back on this week it is easy to point out our “highs” and “lows” but through it all we had the support of our family, our dear, dear friends, the Big Man upstairs, our church and each other. What more could you ask for!
Oh, and the Oscars were the perfect distraction!
Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers,
Trey & Jason
In other good news, I will be starting a new job with Laramie Main Street on March 15. I will be the non-profit’s Executive Director and will be in charge of organizing meetings and events, fundraising, supervising and recruiting volunteers, applying design guidelines to the historic structures in downtown, filling empty store fronts, economic development… and the list goes on and on and on. This isn’t a typically 9 to 5 by any means. There will be early board meetings, lunch board meetings, late night board meetings, etc. Best of all, I get paid to go to the Farmers Market this summer, every Friday afternoon. Main Street has a booth so be sure to stop by and say “hello”.
Check out the March newsletter for Laramie Main Street.
I’ll be able to provide more information about my job after I start. I get two weeks to shadow the current Ex. Director before she moves to CO. Then I’ll be attending training in Cheyenne before they ship me out to OK City for two weeks the end of April/first part of May for an intense training conference. I’m looking forward to all of it!
Looking back on this week it is easy to point out our “highs” and “lows” but through it all we had the support of our family, our dear, dear friends, the Big Man upstairs, our church and each other. What more could you ask for!
Oh, and the Oscars were the perfect distraction!
Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers,
Trey & Jason

Erin and Trey in front of the "red curtain" dressed up for the Oscar party