Yikes, I'm falling behind (not that anyone reads this anymore? Right? Is anyone out there?)
I'm recently back from OK City with the National Main Street conference where I met 49 other Wyoming Main Street supporters, managers and board members. (Pictures are still on the camera). There were 1,200 attendees at the conference and Wyoming, by far, out numbered participants from every other state. We are very lucky to have both financial and community support for our small historic downtowns. (Oh, did I mention, I'm the new Executive Director for Laramie Main Street!!!)
I returned home from OK to discover:
1) Jason is repairing our roof (if it ever stops snowing)
2) Laramie Main Street hasn't filed its 2008 taxes!
3) The dogs were good.
4) I have 130 folks registered for the Colorado Wyoming Association of Museums conference, of which I am in charge. (It is this weekend, Th. thru Sunday)
5) I'm TIRED!
6) A vacation would be nice.
So yes, posts are far and few in between but we will come up for air soon (won't we?) and then there will be more posts. More calls, more texts, more letters, more time to visit, more time to bond.