Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wind & Weather

Now I don't know about Chicago, but I think I live in the windest place in the world! Yesterday I saw a semi, a SEMI, blown over by the wind. A few months ago, this moble home was blown over in transit. We've had a lot of snow, by my standards, which makes for beautiful pictures, but long drives. This week, I took the long way home from Casper, which adds another 80 miles to my commute.
Because of work responcibilites and the weather, Jason and I won't see much of each other this month.

But now, something to smile at. This winter, Jason's dog, Tillie, got snow boots! Here she is trying them on.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Slide and Drift

Ok, lets see who really reads this thing! Friday on my way to Casper I hit an ice spot and slid off the road into a ditch filled with snow. Rocky (the cat) was in the back seat and hardly lifted his head. In fact, he slept thru most of the ordeal. At first, I was excited nothing was broken. The car was fine, I was ok, but the drivers behind me didn’t stop. So then I got pissed. (I don’t think they were from WY). The drivers in front of me came back to check on me. They were two female college students. My angels. I didn’t have a signal on my phone so I used one of the girl’s to call the highway patrol. You know what they said??? Call us back if you can’t get out. So we tried, and yep, I was stuck! (The ditch was very icy and at a sharp slant. I could hardly push my door open to get out). Finally some guys stopped. First a Dodge truck tried to pull me out. That didn’t work and he ended up stuck. We called the highway department back and they seemed annoyed that we got another car stuck!!! (By this time both Jason and his dad were on their way to help via the patrol scanner). 40 min. or so into this a Ford truck came by, and if you are a Chevy fan, don’t bother reading any more… and pulled the Dodge out and then me! Yeeee. (I’m now a Ford fan!) I am so grateful for everyone who stopped and helped. Ironically, they were all college students. So, I don’t want to hear any more bitching from old people about the college students. I don’t know how many old people drove by, gawked, and kept going! Anyway, I was only on the road another 5 miles before I saw Jason. He turned around and escorted me back into town (another 60 miles). So needless to say, I feel like a true Wyomingite now!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Today in Prison History

Jan. 6th, 1896 Robert Leroy Parker, alias Butch Cassidy, is pardoned by Governor William A. Richards. Prior to being released, Cassidy spend a year and six months in the Wyoming Territorial Prison for stealing horses.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


(Visiting Grandma in the Nursing Home. The whole time we were wondering how she crams so much stuff into her tiny room!)

We are SO behind! Since Jason and I were bums for New Years (I think we went to sleep at 12:30) lets review Christmas! Just as we did in Georgia, we had a blast spending time with Jason's family in Wheatland, Wyoming. Of course we've got a few more pictures. We were lucky to relax and finalize some of our wedding plans.

Christmas pictures:

(Grandpa, Dad, Me, Parents, Bailey aka Muppet Dog, Rahn n Kat)

(Grandpa Sherwood in orange chair, Aunt Ruth, Grandma Sherwood, and Dee Sherwood opening gifts, Jason's parents, Dee and Bill Sherwood)

Flash foward: and now let me brag on Jason. He took today off and joined me in Laramie. While I was at work, he cleaned my car(ITS SO CLEAN!), installed/upgraded my smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, purchased new tires for my car (found 2 nails in 1 tire), changed the oil, cordinated with the hotel for our wedding guests, fixed the leaky faucet in the tub, got rid of the drip in the toliet, and much, much more! He is such a GOOD man! --- Thanks for letting me brag! (Jason's note: Trey was no slouch, either--she got up early--and let me sleep in--then she took me out to lunch and made a HUGE supper for me, er, us. . . . )

The Treysons

My Man Jason: Sneak'n on Duck Hunters