Now I don't know about Chicago, but I think I live in the windest place in the world! Yesterday I saw a semi, a SEMI, blown over by the wind. A few months ago, this moble home was blown over in transit.

We've had a lot of snow, by my standards, which makes for beautiful pictures, but long drives. This week, I took the long way home from Casper, which adds another 80 miles to my commute.

Because of work responcibilites and the weather, Jason and I won't see much of each other this month.

But now, something to smile at. This winter, Jason's dog, Tillie, got snow boots! Here she is trying them on.
1 comment:
wow, the snow is beautiful! I am sorry that you guys wont get to spend much time together, just means more special when you do get to see eachother, remember when the dads came home from TDY's. Ha ha. Tilly is too cute, I think I might have to have a dog like her one day :) -k-
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