Monday Jason took me snow shoeing. My first time ever! He helped me put on my shoes and off we went… off the trail. “What are we doing”, I asked? “Going to find a moose” he said. As I began to waddle my way out into the snow, sinking several inches as we went, I wondered, “How the heck does he know where a moose is?”
Of course we saw a moose, less than 15 minutes into our walk. Here's a picture:

Can you see her?
We sat very still watching her for a few minutes. At some point she noticed we were there and got up and wandered off. I couldn’t believe how BIG she was! It was my fourth moose sighting since moving to Wyoming.
We hiked for about an hour and a half. The best part, besides being with Jason? I didn’t have to use my inhaler! Hooray for my lungs!
Here I am “resting”. I fell down quite often.

Here I am eating some snow. I couldn’t help myself!

After our walk we got the dogs out of the car and let them play in the snow banks along the parking lot. Shelby didn’t know what to do with herself. She kept sinking into the snow. Tillie knew better. She ran for the groomed trail.

Calling the dogs from the top of the snow bank:

More pictures from our walk. Jason played photographer for the day.

What a great day!
How adorable is the baby! And that cake, dude that is the most awesome thing I have ever seen. You will have to share the diaper cake making secret. :D Good luck with the Grammy party, I will be watching with you and wishing I were there. Luv you and miss you. We need to do a long weekend or something this summer. Sorry I dont do cold well. :D But perhaps I will love it so much in the summer I will have to come back in the winter. The moose was huge by the way! Crazy :D ~Kandi
Snow shoeing is so much fun! It's much easier to balance than with cross-country skiing. Alex will be so jealous! He's dying to see a moose! Can Jason create the magic again and find a moose for Alex? I like your hat by the way!
It looks like you had a fantastic time! The snow is gorgeous. Have fun at the oscar party - wish I could be there!
No guarantees on the moose, but they live in pretty country so its always worth looking!
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