What a day! We started off in Laramie and headed in a northerly direction to the semi-abandoned town of Bosler; on west to the oldest structure in the world, found in Como Bluffs; thoroughly enjoyed lunch at the folk art inspired, hand painted, wood carved Dip; made a quick stop at the Hanna mine disaster monument; got gas in Walcott; and went south to Saratoga for steak, cake, and a soak in the Hobo Pool before bed! (Was that a run on sentence or what?!?)

Fossil Cabin at Como Bluffs (built from very old dinosaur bones).

A stagecoach on display at the "Dip" in Medicine Bow. The artist carved this whole thing out of a single block of wood--then opened his diner "specially" for us, cooked the whole group a terrific lunch, waited the table by himself (despite Dad's best efforts to help), and served up the homemade pie and heaping piles of ice cream--all while telling wonderful stories and explaining how he had been forced to hand-make the indian artifacts found elsewhere in the diner (because all the indians from these parts were apparently killed off a long time ago).

We all had to pose in front of the Virginian Hotel for a quick photo before a quick jaunt through the local museum and a couple of pauses to read the historical signs.

Rahn B. tries the locally popular "post lean" as a form of R&R before heading back out to the open road.

Of course we made friends wherever we went. These guys were traveling coast to coast on the Lincoln Highway as a promotional stunt for the Piaggio MP3, A three wheeled motor vehicle. They interviewed me with a camcorder on the side of the road in Medicine Bow and pictures of our bikes made it to their website:

Today was also Rahn B.’s 27th birthday! Thanks to Dee and Bill for bringing the "official" cake. Kudos to Kathy Williams, the Elk Mtn cake chef/decorator!

Rahn also scored "birthday" brownie pie from the owner of the Dip.Rahn also scored "birthday" cheesecake from the Wolf Hotel.
AND, Rahn also convinced some members of the group to buy him "birthday" drinks for two evenings in a row (you'll have to ask him to explain his "time zone theory").

Don't look Grandma, but Dee even got to take a spin on a Harley.

No pictures from the Hobo pool but it was interesting--and suprisingly HOT, despite the relaxed look on Rahn G's face as he submersed himself and tested his theory on "mind over matter". (Good news, the doctor says Dad's feet should have skin again in a few short months!)