We've had Cooter for about a month now and he is shaping up to be a good Game Warden horse. Feisty at times, brave and stubborn, just like Jason!
Cooter and Jason at Game Warden horse boot camp in Douglas, Wyoming. The drills teach the horses not to be afraid of things that eat them, like tarp, tents, tires, camp fires, bridges, etc.

Jason and Cooter in the pasture, bonding. Doesn't Cooter have a great view of the mountains?

Wonderful photos! It's good to "meet" Cooter! Take care!
Miss you!
It is so absolutely gorgeous there. Cooter looks like a great horse. Is he mustang? He doesnthave the hearty build like one but you never know. So I am glad to see all is well, tell your parents I said hi. Please. FYI: I got a new job as Program Assistant for the Dual Credit, We Met, Boys Stat Girls State and two new programs. I am pretty psyched, but I am telling you this because now once I can save a little money I could be on my way to maybe visit you, hopefully, yes ?? Maybe end of summer. Early Fall. Let me know if you think that might work for you. I can stay in Denver with family and then drive up for a day or two. Perhaps.
Thanks for the Cooter testing pictures. It was so good to see you all at the Father's Day picnic. Maybe some day we'll actually see Cooter. I love your blog.
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