I know you all think I’m Superwoman when it comes to museum stuff but I need your help: Does anyone have a set of 1890s household furniture and accessories they’d like to pawn off on me? I’ve been tasked to furnish, head to toe an 1890s home at the historic site. Simple, middle class, functional two bedrooms, parlor, kitchen, office, no bath. Here is the thing, there is no Walmart for 1890s antiques. No one-stop-shopping for collections, but I’ve got a deadline! This house has to be done by May 1. I’ve hit all the antique stores, flea markets, ebay, Craigslist, garage sales in WY and northern CO, you name it, and I still can’t find everything I’m looking for. So, if you know of a great collection of antiques in your grandma’s attic or grandpa’s basement, please let me know!!!
Samples of 1890s interiors in the West:
Can you say wicker (center chair). Not my favorite style of furniture but those crazy Victorians loved it.
Looking for a pitcher and basin like the one on the dresser. Don't mind the crazy looking cutout of a man (?) to the left of the dresser.
Samples of 1890s interiors in the West:
Can you say wicker (center chair). Not my favorite style of furniture but those crazy Victorians loved it.

Looking for a pitcher and basin like the one on the dresser. Don't mind the crazy looking cutout of a man (?) to the left of the dresser.

Lots and lots of framed photo and artwork (far left of wall). 

Colorful, heavy woven rugs. Don't worry, they don't have to match by our color/taste standards! 

Great dresser! Wish I had one, make that two. One for me, one for work. Except I'd get fired for that. Where are my ethics? 

Deadhead on the wall (center). I know, that one should be easy, being married to a Game Warden and all!

Photos courtesy of the Denver Public Library’s Western History Photos collection online at: http://history.denverlibrary.org/images/index.html
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