Jason got me a new camera for Christmas (let me open it early) and I’ve been shooting photos downtown and took pictures at a friend’s wedding. I forgot how much I enjoyed running around with a camera in my hands!
Jason’s big Christmas gift was a new scope for one of his guns. I’ll let him tell you more about it in a later post!
We are looking forward to Christmas. Not sure where we will end up. Guess it depends on the roads and winter weather but we hope to see the Sherwood – Hoffman clan sometime soon. (We miss you guys!)
For your viewing enjoyment, some random photos with my new Canon 7D:

For more wedding photos, visit: http://wyomingphotographer.blogspot.com/
Holy wide angle lens, Batman! I am envious. I like 'em wide. Really wide.
I know, it is a beast! I've got to be careful how I use it (as not to distort reality too much...) :)
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