Monday, October 31, 2005


Sorry this had been delayed, but it was only recently declassified…. For the “weekend” prior to the last posting, we had to take on a special assignment.

After loading up the hound (with quite a bit of coaxing—okay, and yes, some HEAVY lifting—lazy &%@^%! dog) and sweet-talking “Bubba” (name changed to protect his identity) into the bed of the pickup, we headed off into the backcountry. The mission: protecting all you innocent bystanders, and our wildlife, from the lurking treachery of the terrifying underbelly of society: The Poacher.

“Bubba” set up shop in a likely looking draw next to the county road while the rest of us stood guard. Unfortunately, or fortunately in “Bubba’s” case, no one took the bait. Made for yet another cold, boring night “on duty”. Luckily we made up for the slow evening with a stop by the Dairy Queen—a first for Bubba—and a night the soda jerk will not soon forget.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Domestic/Cats and Dogs

Jason had more than enough hours for the month so we didn’t patrol this weekend. Instead we “played” house. Took the “kids” to the vet, raked leaves, and cleaned. For my efforts, Jason spoiled me with some amazing home cooked meals. Yummy and thank you! We discovered that Rocky (the cat) is actually more aggressive than Tillie (the dog). Does anyone know how to get dogs and cats to at least tolerate each other? (Short of drugging them, covering them in baby powder and grease, and letting them wake up lying next to each other?) We do know that if Rocky gets any bigger (he weighed in at 11.5 lbs) he’ll be to slow to run from Tillie! Oh my. It would be a great tragedy if my boyfriend’s dog ate my cat. Is that grounds for a break-up? Just kidding. More like if my cat tears up my boyfriend’s dog… I’ll be in the doghouse! (Cheesy pun not intended). Have a great weekend everyone. The Treysons

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently forthe LORD. --Psalm 27:14, NLT

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Adventures in Wyoming

Howdy! Its hunting season and Jason and I are always on the road, or two-tracks as they say. He's got his badge and I've got my camera. Every week is a new adventure! (As long as hunting season lasts, then all you'll get is pictures of us on the couch eating chips!) Maybe I'm slow to catch on... but blogging is the in "thing" and as Alana pointed out, saves room in your inbox. You can check out Alana and Alex in New York at: They are my heros! Just back from Italy.

I'll post pictures, updates, and crazy poacher tales at this site so check back periodically to see what the "Treysons" are up to!