Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Travel Plans
I went ahead and reserved 20 rooms at the Hampton Inn here in Laramie for a rate of $78 per room/per night. It is the newest hotel here in town and they have a wonderful hot breakfast, free Internet, indoor pool, hot tub, elevators, etc. 10 of the rooms are 2 queen size beds (for families or friends who might want to share) and 10 are with king size beds. Guest can make reservations by calling 307-742-0125 by March 21st. (Beyer-Sherwood Wedding) All rooms are non-smoking.
You can view the hotel at: http://hamptoninn.hilton.com/en/hp/hotels/index.jhtml;jsessionid=UJUZOXMY3AA12CSGBIYM22QKIYFCXUUC?ctyhocn=LARWYHX
Or if you’d prefer something less expensive (Motel 6, 1-800-466-8356) or a B&B, check out: http://www.laramie-tourism.org/index.php for a complete list of hotels. I won’t recommend the Howard Johnson. The Travel Lodge is already booked, but the Days Inn is nice (clean and roomy). The Days Inn is close to the prison, less than 3 min.
1368 McCue St.800-329-7466
If you’d prefer a B&B in town: The Brick Bed and Breakfast has 3 rooms, nonsmoking rooms, a spa and fitness center and is close to historic downtown and the UW campus.102 S. 5th307-745-4390. The Owners are Penny and Gary Espeland. If you decide to stay here, please tell them I sent you.
Really, everything is close. Anything on 3rd St. should be within walking distance of historic downtown (food and shopping).
For help planning your trip, please consult the following:
Information about Laramie:
Information about Wyoming:
Catch a ride: (If you don't want to rent a car, we can arrange to get you at Fort Collins or Cheyenne).
WARNING: Keep in mind, some rental companies are in state only. That means, if you get a car at the airport in CO, they may not allow you to come to WY. Check for this as you are booking.
Search Engines:
Please don't hesitate to call with questions and feel free to post your travel plans in the comment section for those looking to share rental cars, rooms, etc.
And for those of you who can't make it to Wyoming, don't worry, Jason and I will be in Georgia May 6th for another reception (southern style)! Everyone is invited.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The BIG Date

Ok, so yes, I’ve been slack about postings. Writing now because Jason and I FINALLY picked a date for the wedding!!! Horns blowing, bells clanging, here is the big announcement: April 22nd here in Laramie, Wyoming. We will be having a very small ceremony in the country church on the historic site with a great big reception to follow in the Horse Barn. For those of you who won’t be able to make it to Wyoming (not that you are not invited) we are having a second reception in Georgia May 6th.

While we were in Georgia, I found my dress, picked my colors, and asked a lot of you for help! (Thanks in advance for everything.) Jason and I were so blessed to be able to spend time with our friends and family. We had Christmas early at my parent’s house with my brother and his new wife. Grandma was anxious to get her hands on Jason’s cowboy hat and Grandpa showed off his musical talents on the violin. (All you do is touch the strings and it plays a pre-recorded song!)
Our time flew by so fast there were many of you who we didn’t get to see or spend enough time with. I’m sorry for that but I hope we can make up some lost ground during our next trip home in May.

We are home safe, enjoying the cold and snow. Jason’s parents purchased snowmobiles this week and we are hoping to get up into the mountains the first of January. We are spending Christmas with Jason’s family in Wheatland this weekend (if Jason can get away from the poachers, car thieves, and elk counting in 18 inches of snow).
More to follow…The Treysons
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Jason & I spent Thanksgiving in Casper with his family. Everything was wonderful! Turkey was great & playing Uno Attack with the guys was a rewarding venture. (For some reason, Dad & Grandpa kept getting all the cards?!?) Of course, Jason still had to work so I patrolled with him… in the snow. It was so beautiful, and a little slick. In fact, I stayed in Casper an extra day because the roads were so bad.
The weather is still questionable this weekend so I’m at home in Laramie & Jason is working… 150 miles apart & missing each other. (I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.) But, there is only a week left before we go to Georgia! I’m SO excited. Family, friends, & warmer weather. (I'm hoping to thaw out some.)
Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. Still no definite wedding plans, but we’ll keep everyone posted.
The Treysons
Monday, November 21, 2005

Jason and I patrolled Casper Mountain on Sunday. Saw a few deer, white tail and mule. (No people). Didn’t have my zoom lens with me (I know!) so there are no fuzzy creature close ups. There was still quite a bit of snow up there which was really pretty.
Thanksgiving is just days away. We are playing host and hostess in Casper if anyone would like to drop by! There will be plenty of food.
Casper, WY (Jason's district)
Will probably run to the bridal boutique in town before I start storing those holiday pounds for winter hibernation! (J/K) Haven’t had much luck dress shopping so far… (In fact, we’ll start a contest. The winner who finds me a dress will receive a framed original print by Trey! You choose the picture, I’ll do the rest.)Until next week, this is the Treysons, signing off.
Monday, November 14, 2005
I Make Good Barns Better

I don't know how we will ever top the engagment post so I won't even try! (Nothing seems as exciting since Jason popped the question!) Still on cloud 9. Thought I'd post a little update from the Wyoming Territorial Prison. We are restoring both the Warden's House (built by prisoners in 1875) and the Broom Factory (where in 1900, 25 to 50 prisoners made 720 brooms a day!) The construction crew is hard at work, even in the snow. Tearing through the house, we've discoverd the original wood floors, wall paper, and 12 ft ceilings. It is all very exciting. These buildings will undergo drastic changes within the next year. Its a mess now, but oh when they are done! As to the title, the construction crew was ripping out an inner wall in the Broom Factory and found a wooden sign that read, "I Make Good Barns Better". They posted it above the entrance and have adopted it as their motto while they work.
Front page article in the local paper about the restoration: http://www.laramieboomerang.com/news/more.asp?StoryID=104315
Sen. Mike Massie, D-Laramie says of the restoration, “we need to make hay while the sun shines”.

Monday, November 07, 2005
The Proposal: An Exhibit

Yep, that’s right; Jason put together an exhibit as part of his proposal! It was so thoughtful and very detailed. We arranged to have dinner and spend the night at the historic Occidental in Buffalo, Wyoming. http://www.occidentalwyoming.com/historic_occidental_hotel.htm
One of my favorite places in the world. It was complete sensory overload for me. We walked into the lobby and the overhead lights were out. The room was illuminated by a few antique table lamps and candles. (Dense me, I had no clue. I thought the owners decorated like that all the time!) We signed in at the front desk and got big hugs from the owner, Dawn. As we chatted, she offered some historic pieces to the Wyoming Territorial Prison and I was thrilled! An old iron bed, sinks, period furnishings, etc. (Yes, I get excited about weird things and no, I still didn’t have a clue that there was an even BIGGER surprise in store). Jason suggested we take some time to look around the lobby (which also serves as a museum). Instead I announced I had to go to the bathroom and headed upstairs. Very patiently, Jason waited for me and suggested again we spend some time in the lobby. After Oohing and Auhing at the antiques in our suite and throughout the hallway upstairs, Jason led me downstairs back to the lobby. Much to his disappointment, I overlooked his “surprise” yet a second time and got my nose stuck in a coffee table book of historic photographs. (My back was turned to Jason so I probably didn’t see his frustration!) After asking me repeatedly to “please come and look at this photograph” he finally had to tear me away from the coffee table book, leading me by my wrist to the fireplace. (Still didn’t hit me). It was only then that I noticed the photograph on the mantle was of me! I instantly thought, “That’s creepy! Why is my picture on the wall of the Occidental???” Just as I was turning to ask Jason, it started to dawn on me… then I saw him on one knee. I cried tears of joy so hard that all I heard was, “Will you?” After hugs, kisses, and the ring, I turned with Jason at my side to read through the exhibit mounted on the mantle. It included my photograph, a picture of us in period dress, and two text panels which read:

“The Occidental Proposal: A long history together was started on November 4, 2005, when Teresa “Trey” Beyer was asked by Jason Sherwood for her hand in marriage. The proposal took place in this location by the glow of fireplace and candlelight.
Throughout history, many young couples have passed through the Occidental; however, none of the young women were so perfect in every respect: as caring as an angel, as beautiful as the sunset over Cloud Peak, and as sharp as the tip of a Sioux arrow.”

“The Ring: Crafted by master jeweler Jim Rasmussen of Alexander’s Fine Jewelry, this one-of-a-kind engagement ring was assembled specially to signify the endless love shared with Ms. Beyer. Between its distinctive appearance and the precious metal and gemstones that went into its construction, this ring is designed to maintain its significance forever.”
But my very favorite detail: a “Notice of Temporary Removal of Artifact from Exhibit” sign that Jason typed up and fashioned where the ring would have been on display. It read, “Accession No. 05-79-003, Date removed: 11/4/2005. Item description: Engagement ring; antiqued platinum band set with 14 small white diamonds and one round-cut, 1.07 ct, blue-treated diamond. Reason item removed from exhibit: At request of owner/to be presented to his one true love. Date to be returned: Not to be returned.”
Jason put a lot of work into this proposal and it means the world to me! I laugh that he knows me so well and all these details relate to some story or conversation we shared about museums.
(And, I have to say, the ring just blew me away!!!)
Thanks to everyone for all the love and support we’ve received since the proposal. I hope you will pray for the success/joy of our marriage and share in my desire that God will always be our foundation.

For those of you getting this news first time via the blog, I apologize. It has been so hectic since Jason proposed! Our phone bill will be sky high this month for sure! But that is OK. If you haven’t heard from us yet, don’t be shy about giving a call. We’d love to hear from you.
The newly engaged Treysons
Saturday, November 05, 2005
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It. . .

More to come later, (seems as though things get a bit hectic when you get ENGAGED!) but we have "made it official". Jason's story: I asked, she said yes.
Trey's story will be much more lengthy and will follow soon. (Of course, she will probably exaggerate the romantic details--please note that my reputation as a rugged, stoic Game Warden should not be dismissed on account of this story. . .)
Monday, October 31, 2005

Sorry this had been delayed, but it was only recently declassified…. For the “weekend” prior to the last posting, we had to take on a special assignment.
After loading up the hound (with quite a bit of coaxing—okay, and yes, some HEAVY lifting—lazy &%@^%! dog) and sweet-talking “Bubba” (name changed to protect his identity) into the bed of the pickup, we headed off into the backcountry. The mission: protecting all you innocent bystanders, and our wildlife, from the lurking treachery of the terrifying underbelly of society: The Poacher.
“Bubba” set up shop in a likely looking draw next to the county road while the rest of us stood guard. Unfortunately, or fortunately in “Bubba’s” case, no one took the bait. Made for yet another cold, boring night “on duty”. Luckily we made up for the slow evening with a stop by the Dairy Queen—a first for Bubba—and a night the soda jerk will not soon forget.

Saturday, October 29, 2005
Domestic/Cats and Dogs

Jason had more than enough hours for the month so we didn’t patrol this weekend. Instead we “played” house. Took the “kids” to the vet, raked leaves, and cleaned. For my efforts, Jason spoiled me with some amazing home cooked meals. Yummy and thank you! We discovered that Rocky (the cat) is actually more aggressive than Tillie (the dog). Does anyone know how to get dogs and cats to at least tolerate each other? (Short of drugging them, covering them in baby powder and grease, and letting them wake up lying next to each other?) We do know that if Rocky gets any bigger (he weighed in at 11.5 lbs) he’ll be to slow to run from Tillie! Oh my. It would be a great tragedy if my boyfriend’s dog ate my cat. Is that grounds for a break-up? Just kidding. More like if my cat tears up my boyfriend’s dog… I’ll be in the doghouse! (Cheesy pun not intended). Have a great weekend everyone. The Treysons
Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently forthe LORD. --Psalm 27:14, NLT
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Adventures in Wyoming

Howdy! Its hunting season and Jason and I are always on the road, or two-tracks as they say. He's got his badge and I've got my camera. Every week is a new adventure! (As long as hunting season lasts, then all you'll get is pictures of us on the couch eating chips!) Maybe I'm slow to catch on... but blogging is the in "thing" and as Alana pointed out, saves room in your inbox. You can check out Alana and Alex in New York at: http://colefaber.blogspot.com/ They are my heros! Just back from Italy.
I'll post pictures, updates, and crazy poacher tales at this site so check back periodically to see what the "Treysons" are up to!