Howdy! Its hunting season and Jason and I are always on the road, or two-tracks as they say. He's got his badge and I've got my camera. Every week is a new adventure! (As long as hunting season lasts, then all you'll get is pictures of us on the couch eating chips!) Maybe I'm slow to catch on... but blogging is the in "thing" and as Alana pointed out, saves room in your inbox. You can check out Alana and Alex in New York at: http://colefaber.blogspot.com/ They are my heros! Just back from Italy.
I'll post pictures, updates, and crazy poacher tales at this site so check back periodically to see what the "Treysons" are up to!
Treysons, Congratulations on your blog! I'd never heard of a blog until now. Very exciting, can't wait for the updates!
Love the hat--- you look good in hunting colors. Next time I'm in the mountains I will check the local supply shops to find you some camo unmentionables!!!
Thanks for keeping us all in the loop! I'll have to look into blogging myself.
Treysons, I am so happy for you both. Sorry I haven't written before now, but not too smart with the computer ya know. The proposal was so romantic, very nice to know that a man in our family knows how to do it right:-)
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