Jason had more than enough hours for the month so we didn’t patrol this weekend. Instead we “played” house. Took the “kids” to the vet, raked leaves, and cleaned. For my efforts, Jason spoiled me with some amazing home cooked meals. Yummy and thank you! We discovered that Rocky (the cat) is actually more aggressive than Tillie (the dog). Does anyone know how to get dogs and cats to at least tolerate each other? (Short of drugging them, covering them in baby powder and grease, and letting them wake up lying next to each other?) We do know that if Rocky gets any bigger (he weighed in at 11.5 lbs) he’ll be to slow to run from Tillie! Oh my. It would be a great tragedy if my boyfriend’s dog ate my cat. Is that grounds for a break-up? Just kidding. More like if my cat tears up my boyfriend’s dog… I’ll be in the doghouse! (Cheesy pun not intended). Have a great weekend everyone. The Treysons
Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently forthe LORD. --Psalm 27:14, NLT
Love the Bible verse. At almost 65 years of age I should be an expert at waiting, but... I love the blog spot!
Trey, has Dee or Nila mentioned to you that I have a kitty also.? His name is Romeo and you know there is nothing like these kittys for company. I bet yours is a good fellow also and loves to snuggle with you. I know Romi loves to get under the covers at night and boy he sure keeps me warm and cozy. The only problem is I have a touch lamp in my bedroom and when he thinks it is time to get up in the a.m. he turns that darn thing on to the highest level and then stares at me. Trey, I hope you can find the perfect dress, and when you do you will know in a heartbeat that that one is for you. I wish with all my heart that I could have the opportunity to be at your wedding. But, know that I am thinking of you and Bill.. Marie,also known as Udder Mudder.
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