Sorry this had been delayed, but it was only recently declassified…. For the “weekend” prior to the last posting, we had to take on a special assignment.
After loading up the hound (with quite a bit of coaxing—okay, and yes, some HEAVY lifting—lazy &%@^%! dog) and sweet-talking “Bubba” (name changed to protect his identity) into the bed of the pickup, we headed off into the backcountry. The mission: protecting all you innocent bystanders, and our wildlife, from the lurking treachery of the terrifying underbelly of society: The Poacher.
“Bubba” set up shop in a likely looking draw next to the county road while the rest of us stood guard. Unfortunately, or fortunately in “Bubba’s” case, no one took the bait. Made for yet another cold, boring night “on duty”. Luckily we made up for the slow evening with a stop by the Dairy Queen—a first for Bubba—and a night the soda jerk will not soon forget.

total blonde moment but is the deer real? That is crazy and love the cat! Thanks for the Blog I have never seen one, it looks both interesting and seems like it could get me in a lot of trouble. :)
Is that the same deer that made the cameo apperance in Tommy Boy?
To answer the questions--No, "Bubba" is not really real--he is a "simulated wildlife decoy", and much like the Terminator, he is part mechanical, part "real" deer. And, no, he has not appeared in any movies, except for the "Best of Wyoming's Roadhunters 1" (expect a sequel to be out soon, as Part 1 received rave reviews from the "judicial" segment of the population).
Trey how wonderful that you found the right spot for your wedding. It looks like it is just the right setting for you both. I am really happy for you and Jase. Be sure to give Rocky a good petting for me, I have a kitty too, and he sorta rules the roost around here. His favorite spot is on top of the microwave, think that is so he can determine who comes in and if he wants to be bothered or not.LOLOL
Udder Mudder
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