Thursday, April 07, 2011

Looking forward to…

Warmer days, vacation in New Mexico, a shopping trip with Erin, Historic Preservation Conference, coffee cake at Night Heron, long walks in the park with Jason and Shelby, Thursday date nights and weekends!

We’ve got our taxes filed and vacation planned! Jason and I are headed to southern New Mexico for our five-year wedding anniversary. We are doing a mix of hot springs, historic sites and green chili. I’m most excited about exploring the old haunts of Billy the Kid and the UFO Museum in Roswell.

I can guarantee there will be lots of fun photos!

In preparation, I’m spending a lot of time on New Mexico’s Tourism website and reading, “To Hell on a Fast Horse: Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, and the Epic Chase to Justice in the Old West”.

What are you looking forward to?


Anonymous said...

Seeing pictures from the beautiful Native American Indian reservations and all the wonderful people you always seem to meet.

Have an amazing trip.

P.s. love the new backdrop

Darjole said...

Wyoming is a great state to live in :)