Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Georgia Aquarium

I’ve been promising pictures from the honeymoon… I had fully intended in posting them in chronological order, but in the midst of packing and unpacking, it will take me awhile to get to everything. These are pictures from the Georgia Aquarium, open since January. It is supposedly the largest in the world. It was hard to tell how big it actually was because it was SO crowded. There were people everywhere. Once, my dad shouted, “leak” just to get people to move out of our way! Regardless, we were thankful to get tickets for Jason and I, my parents, his parents, Grandpa Beyer, Rahn and Kat. We went the Monday after the GA reception. I liked the “tunnel” walkway best. As you go through, the fish are on both sides and above you. What a place!

The Treysons

Disco Green Jelly Fish

Orange School

Sting Rays in Tunnel

Big Shark with Fish Beard

Big Fish, Dad, Mom, & Husband