Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What I'm Reading

I just finished The Historian which is about a family of historians and their search for the real life Dracula. It is a HUGE book and took me four weeks, reading a few chapters every night, to digest it all. I can’t say it was worth it but I’m proud of myself for finishing.

My librarian friend just recommended People of the Book. So far it is really good. It is about a conservator who gets to work with the unique Sarajevo Haggadah. She finds some objects in the book's binding and the story follows how each artifact connects with the history of the book. (Alana, I think you’d really like it).

I’m not sure what I’ll pick up next. I have a whole stack of books on my shelf that I haven’t gotten to, including Team of Rivals, but I’m also really interested in Garrison Keillor’s latest book about Lutherans. Oh my, so many choices!

1 comment:

Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...

You should see if you can find GK's book on audio! I bet it would be nice to listen to him read it.