Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A Thank You Letter to Our Church

Back in August Jason and I finished an oral history project for our church's 125th anniversary celebration. The link to the video is below:
I'm glad I married such a talented videographer!

In recent news, our church hosted a volunteer week for the local soup kitchen. I helped out for a few hours yesterday and have a shift this Sat. It was a very rewarding experience and I was able to make new friends and learn something about cooking for 40 in a big kitchen. I've got ideas for Thanksgiving! Plus, I was excited to learn that they take donations of game meat.

Tomorrow night I'm filling in for Pastor and teaching the 7th/8th grade confirmation class. Each week is a different experience depending on which students show up and how much candy they've had! I think I learn more from them than they do from me.

What blessings! Even in this time of transition, I'm feeling very warm and fuzzy with so many opportunities for personal growth. I'm thankful to have this time "unemployed" so I can give back and learn more about my community.

Closing with a big AMEN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Cool! You are a beautiful person and such an asset to the community! You are blessed to be a blessing!