Monday, December 07, 2009

Speed Up, Slow Down!

It’s been a quiet week in Laramie… yes, we are reading Garrison Keillor! It has been cold all week. The high is predicted at 14, with snow. In the five years I’ve lived in Wyoming, I’ve never seen a cold snap like this one (or I block them out). Thus, I’ve been staying in and keeping warm. Crafting, reading, cooking… avoiding cleaning. My downstairs table is covered with feathers and beads. Our bedroom is covered with frames and photographs and I don’t even want to look in the guest room/gift wrapping room!

The class I was co-teaching, Intro to Public History, ended last week. I was sad to say goodbye to the students. It was a wonderful opportunity and made me realize that life as a professor wouldn’t be all bad. It was uplifting to see the students get into “history”, boring ol’ history, and actually think critically about its role in museums and non-profits. Needless to say, it was a very rewarding experience. Now I need something new to do!
This morning I volunteered at the Laramie Plains Museum and helped decorate. This Sat. they are having a free open house for the community. I’ll be a greeter in one of the decorated rooms this Sat. from 3 to 6 if anyone wants to stop by and say “hi”.
Last night was our last broomball game of the regular season. We started early this year. Going into the game, we were in a three way tie for first place. After much huffing and puffing, falling on the ice and possibly a bruised rib, we lost the game 0 – 1. Bummer! Because our games overlapped with hunting season, we didn’t get any video this year. I’m hearing rumors of a tournament game next Sunday so I’ll be sure to snap some pictures.

The rest of the week will be filled with holiday activities: the Game & Fish Christmas party, a baby shower, confirmation class, cookie baking party, entering sweepstakes, and hopefully some new volunteer opportunities.

Jason is on his way home so I’m going to work on getting dinner on the table. Happy Holidays!


Xander and Alana (but mostly Alana) said...

Happy holidays to you, too!

Anonymous said...

I love that you keep up your blog so well. I miss you and am glad for these little snapshots of your life! Hugs! Marlise